Tässä blogissa näet upeita kuvia Grand Canyonilta sekä kuulet miten meidän illan pokerisession kävi.
Heräsimme aamulla aikaisin nukuttuamme 3,5h vuokra-autossa ja lähdimme ajamaan kohti Grand Canyonin South Entrancea. Muutaman mailin ajettuamme autoon tuli vikailmoitus renkaan ilmanpaineesta ja suunnistimme lähimmälle huoltoasemalle, jossa paikan omistaja täytti jokaisen renkaamme eikä halunnut palvelusta mitään maksua koska halusi pyyteettömästi auttaa hädässä olevia häämatkalaisia.
Jenkkien small talk - kulttuuri ja halu auttaa ovat asioita, joita arvostamme kovasti. Amerikkalaiset ovat yleisesti ystävällisiä, helposti lähestyttävä sekä rentoja ihmisiä, joiden seurassa tuntee kuuluvansa porukkaan.
Kolmen tunnin ajon jälkeen pääsimme perille Grand Canyonille ja lähdimme tutustumaan näköalapaikkoihin kartan kanssa, jonka saimme $30 sisäänpääsymaksun yhteydessä. $30 sisälsi parkkimaksun ja sisäänpääsymaksun kaikille, jotka olivat autossa kyydissä.
Grand Canyonin South Entrance -näköalapaikka oli valtava ja matkaajan on hyvä varata useampi tunti paikan päällä, mikäli haluaa kiertää koko alueen läpi. Paikalla pyörii myös busseja, jotka kuljettavat alueella hyötyliikuntaa vieroksuvia turisteja näköalapisteeltä toiselle. Me nautimme kun pääsimme pitkästä aikaa kävelemään ja nauttimaan raikkaasta ilmasta istuttuamme koko edellisen päivän autossa ja pokeripöydässä.
Grand Canyon, AZ.
Grand Canyon, AZ.
A nice guy offered to take our picture. Grand Canyon, AZ.
A wild deer couple let us walk close to them to take their picture. Nature is amazing. Grand Canyon, AZ
Muutaman tunnin Grand Canyonilla pyörittyämme lähdimme ajamaan kohti Las Vegasia, josta buukkasimme majoituksen Airbnb:n kautta. Tarkoituksenamme oli kirjoittaa blogia, siistiytyä ja levätä hetki ennen kuin lähtisimme pelaamaan pokeria, mutta Emmi heräsi aamulla 04.30 vaikka tarkoituksena oli ollut nukkua vain power napit. Olimme siis nukkuneet putkeen noin 7h ja päätimme jatkaa pidemmän kaavan päiväunia aamuun asti.
Perjantailta ei siis hirveästi jäänyt kerrottavaa pokereista, mutta korjaamme asian pikimmiten.
Palaamme asiaan.
Memi & Henkka
In this blog you will see great shots from Grand Canyon and also hear about our poker session for that night.
We woke up early in the morning after sleeping 3,5 hours in our rental car and headed to Grand Canyon South Entrance. After a few miles our car announced that we should check tire pressure so we stopped at the nearest gas station. The owner of the gas station checked the pressure in every tire and didn't want any money for it from the honeymooners.
The things that we really appreciate in American culture are the smooth small talk and their gratuitious will to help other people. Americans are usually really kind, easygoing, laid back and they make you feel that you are one of them.
After 3 hours of driving we made it to the South Entrance of Grand Canyon and went to explore the scenic views with a map witch was included in the $30 entrance fee. The fee included a parking spot and admissions for everyone in the car.
The South Entrance view point was huge so we recommend to spend at least two hours there if you want to explore the Canyon from every possible point of view that the South Entrance has to offer. There are also busses driving from a point to another for people who don't want to walk themselves. We really enjoyed walking around since we had sat in the car and poker table the hole day before.
A few hours later it was time to leave and head back to Las Vegas where we had our next accommodation for one night. We had a plan to rest and write a blog before hitting the poker tables but Emmi woke up at 4.30 am even though we just meant to take a quick power nap. We had slept for 7 hours straight and decided to continue our nap till the next morning.
So we don't have much stories to tell about our Friday night poker session. We will fix this as soon as possible.
To be continued....
In this blog you will see great shots from Grand Canyon and also hear about our poker session for that night.
We woke up early in the morning after sleeping 3,5 hours in our rental car and headed to Grand Canyon South Entrance. After a few miles our car announced that we should check tire pressure so we stopped at the nearest gas station. The owner of the gas station checked the pressure in every tire and didn't want any money for it from the honeymooners.
The things that we really appreciate in American culture are the smooth small talk and their gratuitious will to help other people. Americans are usually really kind, easygoing, laid back and they make you feel that you are one of them.
After 3 hours of driving we made it to the South Entrance of Grand Canyon and went to explore the scenic views with a map witch was included in the $30 entrance fee. The fee included a parking spot and admissions for everyone in the car.
The South Entrance view point was huge so we recommend to spend at least two hours there if you want to explore the Canyon from every possible point of view that the South Entrance has to offer. There are also busses driving from a point to another for people who don't want to walk themselves. We really enjoyed walking around since we had sat in the car and poker table the hole day before.
A few hours later it was time to leave and head back to Las Vegas where we had our next accommodation for one night. We had a plan to rest and write a blog before hitting the poker tables but Emmi woke up at 4.30 am even though we just meant to take a quick power nap. We had slept for 7 hours straight and decided to continue our nap till the next morning.
So we don't have much stories to tell about our Friday night poker session. We will fix this as soon as possible.
To be continued....